Righteousness and Love. Going for the #70s vibe this time. Inspired by Psalm 85:10 on @youversion app. "Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other." How have you experienced the convergence of God's affection today?

My love of #moderncalligraphy and the desire to make some never before seen #letters results in creating some #goodtype with #procreate.This #handmadefont is #oneofakind and #handlettered on my #ipadpro because #typematters.

Tools / iPad pro 10.5 / #applepencil / @procreate @splice_app / music “Dance Club” by Ian Post @ianpostm on Splice / brushes by @visualtimmy / Check https://linktr.ee/marvharrell for links to view other designs, check out items from my #Etsy store or contact me for #commissions

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